The cost of slow payers

By |2023-01-31T16:42:52+13:00March 8th, 2023|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, General, Strategy|

Customers that stretch out how long it takes to settle their bills are costing you more than time and frustration. However, increased electronic connectivity between small businesses, accountants, and financial institutions coupled with cloud accounting and traditional methods can help your debtor management. As with any relationship, timely communication between creditors (suppliers) and debtors

Key numbers to focus on in your business – today!

By |2023-01-31T13:11:08+13:00February 8th, 2023|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, General, Strategy|

At Pathfinder Solutions, we're chartered accountants and seasoned business mentors. Therefore, we often help clients identify the crucial business reports they need to focus on. Here's an overview of how to track performance, take action, and prepare your company for surviving the new business normal (whatever that might be!) To

Cashflow is king for small business owners

By |2022-07-12T15:21:21+12:00September 8th, 2022|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, Strategy|

Staying on top of cashflow is essential for ongoing commercial viability, and even more important if you're growing your business. Pathfinder Solutions has helped numerous clients get on track - and stay on track - with their cashflow monitoring processes. Money in, money out. Cashflow is fundamental to and one of the

Making it easier for your customers to pay you

By |2022-07-05T12:57:55+12:00August 25th, 2022|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, Strategy|

Are you struggling to get paid on time? Could your invoicing and payment process be more organised and streamlined? We'll explain the basics of good payment management and how tech can help speed up your cash collection. Ensuring you get paid on time is crucial to commercial success. Making sales and generating

How to monitor the health of your childcare business

By |2022-08-12T10:07:53+12:00August 12th, 2022|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, Childcare, Strategy|

As childcare owners ourselves, we truly understand the challenge of mastering that fine balance between quality education and centre profitability. In this blog, we discuss some  financial metrics and key performance indicators (KPI's) to track in your childcare business. Successfully navigating the course of your childcare business and making sure

Which KPIs will help monitor the health of your business?

By |2022-07-05T12:48:51+12:00August 11th, 2022|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, Strategy|

Do you know which metrics and key performance indicators (KPIs) to track in your business? Pathfinder Solutions are here to help you identify and set up a customised KPI dashboard to manage your company's future path. Successfully navigating the course of your business and making sure it's profitable is a crucial best

How forecasting can help your decision making

By |2022-07-12T16:46:13+12:00July 14th, 2022|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, Strategy|

A crystal ball would be handy in business. Likewise, forecasting (based on essential tools and techniques) can provide you with an informed view of the future of your business and finances. One way to help improve your business decision-making is to produce regular management information. But looking at historical numbers can only

Seven ways to grow your business

By |2022-07-05T14:32:25+12:00June 30th, 2022|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow, General, Strategy|

Are you looking to grow your business? Pathfinder Solutions suggests focusing on seven smart strategies. The first five increase your sales; the final two reduce costs and improve your margin and profitability. Which of the seven will you target first? Talk to us – and we'll help you get on track. Even

Know your numbers – your balance sheet

By |2022-07-05T14:31:57+12:00June 16th, 2022|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow|

The most important step in taking control of your business performance is to understand your numbers.  Your financial reports give you the symptoms of the good or poor health of your business.  Having a good understanding of the reports enables you to pinpoint areas that require a more detailed diagnosis. The 3 most important

Know your numbers – your profit and loss

By |2022-07-05T14:31:26+12:00June 2nd, 2022|Business Advice, Cash and Cashflow|

The most important step in taking control of your business performance is to understand your numbers.  Your financial reports give you the symptoms of the good or poor health of your business.  Having a good understanding of the reports enables you to pinpoint areas that require a more detailed diagnosis. The 3 most important

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