We all have days where we nail it at work & feel like it’s been a great day!
But there are also days when we leave work feeling like we haven’t achieved anything and a bit flat.
While we can’t eliminate those bad days completely, we can apply principles to limit the number of flat days and ensure we achieve a great day’s work more often.
Follow our five principles to define a great day’s work.
So, how can we create a work environment where more members of our team are nailing it each day?
1. Love what you do and stop doing what you don’t love.
You have choices in life and you’re not a victim. Which tasks do you loathe and keep putting off until the last minute? Who could do these tasks for you? Delegate, delegate, delegate. Find someone who enjoys those tasks – they’ll do a better job of them!
2. Set clear business goals and share them with your team regularly.
Nobody likes to fly blind. Sharing your goals with your team lets them align their own goals with your business goals and identify how they fit into the big picture for the business.
3. Develop Core Values.
A clear set of Core Values is the foundation for a great culture. When your team lives into your Core Values, you’re more likely to achieve your goals. Celebrate instances of your team members living into your Core Values at each team meeting.
4. Empower your team to do more.
Set targets and expectations and allow your team to come up with the best way to achieve them. Provide guidance and support where required, and celebrate the team’s success.
5. Set and measure KPIs.
KPIs measure how well you’re tracking towards your goals. These help the team to define what a great day’s work is for them. Achieving their KPIs lets them know they’re on track and have achieved a great day’s work. Measuring the right things helps create
We’d welcome the chance to chat about how Pathfinder Solutions can help your team achieve a great day’s work more often. Please get in touch, this is something we can help you with.
About Pathfinder Solutions
Pathfinder Solutions advisory team members have either owned or managed businesses, or are investors themselves, so we know first-hand the challenges you face in your world.
Sure we’re Accountants, but the best solutions in business come from focusing on more than just the numbers. Our real-world business experience delivers just that.